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Many ex-pats or those who live abroad with family living in the UK require Wills that are applicable not only to English law, but also adhere to the law of the relevant country.

We know that the fun of living abroad can detract from the reality of creating solid legal documentation, so you’ll find below a few things to bear in mind when thinking about creating your foreign Will.

Foreign assets

Whether property, time-shares, bank accounts, investments or holiday homes, foreign assets can create complications for any U.K. Domicile. Although a British Will should be okay, we would recommend creating an appropriate international Will.

Estate Distribution

Having foreign assets can complicate the distribution of the estate once an individual has deceased, and can delay probate by a considerable amount of time. Translation, and legal interpretation may also be required too, which we can also help with.


Depending on what country you have your foreign assets held in, you may be subject to double taxation, as opposed to traditional British taxation, as a result of treaties with the United Kingdom. As this can be a complicated matter; we can advise you on this.

Because we know that having foreign assets and adding them to your Will or any Trusts can be a complicated subject, we can advise you accordingly and create an appropriate International Will for you.

We will also ensure that any document we create for you is low cost, competitive and we’ll endeavour to beat any quote from elsewhere, all whilst always maintaining our professional standards.

Our Will Writers are able to talk to you at your convenience and advise you appropriately to make the process of making an International Will, or adding assets to an existing Will or trust, easier for you.

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